Sunday, September 23, 2012

Property Foldable

PROPERTY FOLDABLE   - this is not an art project

Fan four sheets of paper to about ½” apart(vertically), fold hidden fan over to show eight folds, staple couple times near fold.

Top flap reads: PROPERTIES
Second flap is divided into two titles:
Third flap: Commutative properties
Fourth flap: Associative Properties
Fifth flap: Identity Properties
Sixth flap: is divided into two titles:
           Inverse Property of addition
           Multiplication Property of Zero
Seventh flap: Property of -1
Eighth flap: Distributive property of Multiplication over Addition

Under each flap goes a brief description of the property and two examples, one numeric, the other algebraic.

Most information for addition side is found on page 75 of text
Most information for multiplication side is found on page 89 of text
Much of Distributive Property information is found on page 96 of text